“Goodbye Free Consults”: A Eulogy for Entrepreneurs

We’re gathered here today to honor someone I thought was a friend. Someone I thought was helping me out all along. Someone I would have gone to bat for in my business life. “Free Consults” was right by my side during my entrepreneurial journey from the beginning stages and beyond BUT after some time I realized she was hurting our relationship more than helping.

See, “Free Consults” and I had been friends for about 6 months and I hold myself accountable for what I allowed. I allowed her to use my intellect to engage with new people before even signing the deal with them. Additionally, I allowed her to team up with me to schedule things with people who weren’t respectful of my time (i.e. didn’t show up). It’s funny all the lessons you can learn from this “relationship” but I’m glad I learned them now versus later.

In this season of my business life, I am re-shaping, re-branding, and re-introducing myself to my community (and the online world) and “Free Consults” simply can’t come with me. It’s not that I think I am better than she is but I simply know my expertise, my value, and my worth. “Free Consults” taught me some valuable lessons and I thank her for her season in my business life but her time on this earth has expired.

“Free Consults”, I do thank you. I thank you for making me become a better entrepreneur. I thank you for allowing me to see my true business worth. I thank you for teaching me the power to say “no”. Most importantly, I thank you for making me a better person. It’s because of you that I know what I am capable of. It’s because of you that I know I am worthy of accolades. It’s because of you that I know I am worthy of charging my worth. Finally, It’s because of you that I can take things to the next level — personally and professionally.

Take your rest “Free Consults”. It’s way overdue!

TECHnically Yours™,




Kris Smith, MBA | TheBlackTechie™

Where Data + Sports + Tech meet. I help athletes connect with their fans using text marketing & data. @superphone Brand Ambassador. texttheblacktechie.com